🕊 “…the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things” - John 14:26 🕊

Orthodox Christian Prayer Book: Travel Edition

Orthodox Christian Prayer Book: Travel Edition

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Orthodox Christian Prayer Book: Travel Edition, trim size 3.3in x 4.7in [85mmx120mm], 212pp.

This is our most compact and portable Prayer Book!

This new 3.3inx4.7in 212pp edition is a round-back hardcover bound in burgundy cloth with gold-stamping. It has been beautifully printed in full-color, with many icons, gilded edges and two page-marker ribbons. It is printed on white paper for readability in low-light.

This English language text includes Morning Prayers, the Service of Vespers, Small Compline, the Salutations to the Theotokos, Small Paraklesis, Prayers Before Meals, the Paschal Hours, the Lesser Hours, the Service of Preparation for Holy Communion, the Prayers of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion, the Prayer of the Heart, Occasional Prayers, the Fasting Periods of the Church and a Paschalion through 2034.

It also includes one sections by St. Nikodemos of the Holy Mountain (translated by Rev. Fr. George Dokos): Prayers to our Lord Jesus Christ (written in the style of an Akathist).

DIFFERENCES with the blue cover edition:

 DOES NOT INCLUDE the Safeguard for the Soul (a thirty-day meditation on spiritual watchfulness).

DIFFERENCES with the Full Size edition:

 DOES NOT INCLUDE the Service of the Midnight Office.